Talk with Neera Maini Srivastav

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Can you tell us about your inspiration behind writing “Hack The Boredom Code” and why you chose to focus on helping GenY overcome boredom?

Well, the inspiration was the pandemic as it had steeped all of us into that deadly state called boredom. Having said that it also inspired me to look at boredom differently and see how we can deal with it. GenY because they seem to be an ‘always on’ generation and yet ‘bored’ so easily! That paradox was enough for me to choose them.

How did you come with the concept of diving the book into three sections- mind, body and spirit? How do these sections contribute to combating boredom?

As a wellness/well-being enthusiast I have had the good fortune of having learnt from and experienced the teachings and tools of  many modalities, mentors and gurus. The key learning has been that well-being is an outcome of a holistic convergence of mind-body-spirit. When the 3 are in conjunction and alignment, there is harmony. One cannot exist without the other. That is what always stuck with me and I approach any personal growth/wellbeing/self-help subject with that lens. 

Regarding the book, I chose to split it into the 3 sections and also categorized the tools accordingly. For eg, you could choose the ‘body’ hack of going trekking to combat boredom or you could choose the ‘mind’ hack to learn a new language for example to dispel boredom. 

Humor seems to be an important element in your book. How do you use humor to engage and connect with young adults?

Well, to begin with humor is the antidote to boredom! Besides, because humor engages and entertains, it ultimately enlightens! It also dissolves boundaries. And therefore resonates more deeply , especially with young adults. The recent emergence of ‘Stand Up’ as a creative platform of expression has ample proof that the most profound truths become weightier with a dash of humor. 

In my experience, humor just opens up the minds and hearts, especially of young adults who really don’t want to engage with anything too heavy- But the moment there is some ‘lightness’ they light up. This has been the greatest insight.

As a mindfulness coach, how does mindfulness play a role in combating boredom and achieving one’s potential?

Mindfulness is all about ‘awareness’ cultivation- just being present to the moment unleashes a great power. And in that power lies the inner intelligence and wisdom to do what the being requires at that moment. If you are truly connected with yourself, you will know what to do even at the most bored times. Of course, to achieve that level of mindfulness takes practice and time. Its only when you can go within that you can unleash your true potential. Which is why you will notice that people who follow some kind of meditation /mindfulness practice on a daily basis are less likely to be bored than the others. And even when they do, they know how to use that state productively and create something greater. 

Can you share any personal anecdotes or experiences that influenced the content or ideas presented in the book?

It was an uncanny coming together of 3 days of consecutive occurrence of 3 similar sentences. I was working on a brand campaign and one of the senior creative team members said “ I am bored with this brand!’ .Next day, I was with a friend who gets a call from her 10 year old : “Mom, I am bored!” Day 3 I was in the gym when I hear someone tell the trainer: “I am bored with this workout!”

For me, that was an epiphany of sorts! And it led me straight to put this book together. Deep down, I had a strong  desire for the book to be a contribution to the ‘bored’ self.

What are some key takeaways or messages you hope readers will gain from reading “Hack The Boredom Code”?

Firstly, boredom is a double-edged sword. It can dip one to a low life state  or become a platform to create a fulfilling life.  Secondly, taking action is far more valuable than merely talking about things. To deal with anything , the ‘do’ area of our lives needs to be activated. This book shows you how. And lastly, you will almost feel the presence of a companion in this book that has your back, no matter how bored you are. 

What are your future plans in terms of writing or creating content for young adults? Do you have any upcoming projects in the works?

I would love to populate more meaningful content for the young adults. There is enough of ‘dark’ content all around . It’s time we create the brighter side – more hopeful stories, perspectives and ideas. There are a few ideas still germinating in my head. Most certainly, there is more coming your way – I am unstoppable. And I hope it stays that way and life eggs me on to ink my next and next…

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